Monday, November 29, 2010


     Hi everyone :). Just a little bit of introduction. My name's Christian, or Chris for short. I am 17, currently studying in Singapore under scholarship. My hobbies are reading, playing guitar, chatting, browsing internet, swimming, talking about serious stuffs, etc. Well, about the last one, I seldom engage people in talks about serious matters but somehow a lot of people love to talk about them to me, and I enjoy listening to them and sharing my own perspectives. Frankly, I don't really like to write, but I like to think about a lot of stuffs. A little bit too much maybe :p. Hence, in order to preserve whatever I have been thinking, I reckon I should start writing it down.
      Now, about the name of the blog. 'Conjecture' basically means guesswork. Most of my posts would be about my perspectives about different things in life. I call them conjectures, as I can never say that my views are absolutely true; they are merely my guesswork based on various reasons. 'Mercurial' means changeable. Why mercurial?  
      "Change is the only constant" - Heraclitus
That. Thus, all my views in this blog are not fixed and static. I keep them open to changes as I obtain new ideas and gain new understandings.
     About the title "Life's not a game, there is no 'reset' button", well, I pick that up from a retreat organised by St Thomas community, my Catholic community in Indonesia. There are surely myriads of things in the past that we wish to change, and this is exactly why the existence of a 'reset' button would be convenient. But no. The 'reset' button never exists and we just simply can't change anything in the past. People often tell others, who have miserable past, to have a fresh start and begin all over again. However, I believe that in this life, we can never have a fresh start. We can only start now with everything that we have in the past and make a new ending. That is why, I will always try to do my best in this life regardless of whatever has happened in the past :)
     Connection between 'mercurial conjecture' and 'life's not a game'? In this life, one without a 'reset' button, we better learn from our mistakes and others' mistakes. Therefore, I would like to share my success and failures, and my conjectures about them so that I, and hopefully you readers, would learn something out of them.
     "Learn form the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them yourself" - Eleanor Roosevelt
     My current predicament? Actually, I started this blog simply to kill time during my holiday in Singapore. My holiday started on the 15th of November, but thanks to the upcoming choir trip to Europe, I had to stay back. Yup, I'm stuck here! Yeah :D! Therefore, deciding that I'd better do something meaningful this holiday, I started this blog. Please feel free to drop some comments :). Thank you. And sorry for the bad English, hehe.. God bless you all.

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